In-Depth Educational Courses

Access our full course library for
$129 a month.

It is surprisingly hard for a commercial real estate agent to find really good self-study material. You can read best-selling business books, and you can take trade association courses online, but it is rare to find in-depth educational courses that speak directly to accelerating your performance.

Look no further.

We’ve built a library of several dozen courses that flow directly out of our years of experience in the commercial real estate brokerage arena.

Most of these courses were constructed in response to the questions we’ve gotten most often from our coaching clients. For the price of one low monthly membership price, you can access all the courses—and the many resources that are available with each course.

It all starts with a call.

Benefits of our educational courses

Benefits of our
educational courses

Once you purchase a membership, our entire course library is available to you so you may watch in whatever way is most beneficial to you.

Many of our clients buy library memberships in conjunction with other coaching options. We frequently refer to the courses as we work with clients in group and one-on-one coaching scenarios.

Of course, our favorite questions usually go like this: “Hey, I’m trying to improve my team and I watched one of your hiring courses, and now I have a question…”

You can quit anytime you want, ensuring you always see a return on your investment.

There are numerous ways to ask questions and leave feedback on the courses while you are taking them. 

We can also track your progress through our course library so we may identify problems.

How can I use the course library?

The most effective way to use the library is to ask us which courses we would recommend for your situation before you join.

We’re happy to work with you to design a specific content journey at the outset, and we’ll track that journey from inside the library and call you if we find that you are struggling.

Our membership fee is paid at the beginning of each month. Once paid, it is non-refundable, BUT you can quit at any time. If you find that the courses don’t work for you or that you’ve watched all that you need, simply notify us. Before you go though, be sure to ask what courses are coming next since we continuously build the library throughout the year. SIGN UP FOR OUR COURSES

What’s covered in our course library?

Every course in the One More Deal library was designed to accelerate your performance today.

Improve your sales skills.

Learn the best sales tactics directly from a professional sales trainer. From initiating the conversation to handling objections and closing the deal, apply proven sales techniques to CRE brokerage.

Stay top of mind.

In order to succeed, you need to stay top of mind with your target prospects. To do that, you need a defined business strategy to build durable relationships with the most qualified prospects.

Managing your team.

Enlarging your team can help you build better relationships with clients and enable you to spend more time directly on closings. But you have to hire the right people. It’s time you learn how.


Course Review: Form Follows Function

“I really really really enjoyed Form Follows Function. I needed to hear the message and thought you did an awesome job.”

Regional Vice President
Course Review: Engaging the Prospect

“This in-depth material is not often covered in sales meetings or even office sales trainings. It is very valuable when launching a prospecting project. It is also very encouraging to know that 20 ‘no’s’ is hard to get meaning chances are you’ll get to a ‘yes’ before you know it. Really amazing sales content!”

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